Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Creating Business from opportunities
  Today, am understanding more and more about entrepreneurship and the basics. Like product and service, product is tangible and service is intangible. Another concept was knowing about manufacturing, wholesale, retail and service. Basically these are the different type of businesses. another term was COSS and COGS, COSS means Cost Of Service Sold and COGS is Cost Of Goods Sold. Another thing that I realize and I strongly feel is that Core Values of the company can be stated on the mission or vision statement. It's funny how all this process reminded me of BC United. In a way establishing BC United seems like a business a non-profit one at least. LOL.
  As am doing my research am looking through secondary research that might guide me or give e an idea if its a good idea establishing such business. I used even though its not a national association they do give credible info regarding real estate. I did find other websites that also might guide me through out my business plan. This class makes me realize how it is important to do the research about the product or service I entail to establish. You know! Even though you don't need a degree to became and entrepreneur but having and education makes a whole lot of difference. I remember when my mom had asked (when I was a realtor at that time) To start our own company, its not that I dint have the courage, its that I just felt that you need to be knowledgeable about business. And now that am back to the university I can say that it was the right step to take. I love how my classes correlate to one another. But accounting its not my passion! but I can tolerate it.
  Any who, going back to my business plan BP my market would be a ready and able real estate buyer/seller. I am wondering if the Real Estate agency has life cycle and if it does what would it look like? hmm another thing to think about.

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